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AI Creator WordPress
AI Creator WordPress
AI Creator WordPress

Integrate with WordPress for blogimagegeneration.

AI Creator's Seamless WordPress Integration: Effortless Posting with a Few Simple Steps.

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AI Creator WordPress Integration

Meet your new WordPress intelligent AI Assistant.

AI Creator is excited to introduce our latest feature: seamless integration with WordPress. This new functionality allows users to post directly from AI Creator to their WordPress websites, simplifying the content creation and publishing process. Here’s a detailed look at how you can leverage this powerful tool to enhance your productivity and streamline your workflow.

Getting started with WordPress Integration.

Step 1: Log in to your WordPress admin dashboard using your credentials.

Step 2: Disable 2FAin case if you have turned it on in your settings.

Step 3: Go to Settings – Permalinks page and select postname.

Step 4: Go to Plugins – Add New Plugin and install WordPress REST API Authentication, make sure that after installation it is activated.

Step 5: Once the installation is complete click on miniOrange API Authentication and click on JWT Authentication as shown in the image.

Step 6: Click on the Next button as shown in the image.

Step 7: Click on Finish button as shown in the image.

Step 8: Go to your AI Creator dashboard and you will see the Integrations tab. Click on the configure button.

Step 9: Enter your Domain name, Username and Password, and don’t forget to Activate and click on the Save button.

Step 10: Go to your saved documents and you will see a Publish button, click on it and you are ready to post directly on your WordPress account.

Step 11: Done.


Integrating AI Creator with WordPress offers numerous benefits


Save time by eliminating the need to manually copy and paste content from AI Creator to WordPress.

Streamlined Workflow

Reduce the time and effort required to publish content by integrating AI Creator directly with your WordPress site.

High-Quality Content

Leverage AI Creator’s advanced technology to generate engaging, SEO-friendly content tailored to your audience.

Ease of Use

Enjoy a user-friendly experience that makes content management straightforward and hassle-free.


Smooth and efficient content creation  

AI Creator’s WordPress integration is designed to make your content creation and publishing process as smooth and efficient as possible. By connecting AI Creator to your WordPress site, you can effortlessly generate, edit, and publish high-quality content in just a few simple steps. Embrace this new feature to enhance your productivity and maintain a consistent online presence.

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